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The Top 10 Search Engines, Ranked by Popularity

1. Google

top search engines: Google homepage

With over 85% of the search market share, Google is undoubtedly the most popular search engine. Additionally, Google captures almost 95% of mobile traffic.

The large traffic potential makes Google a viable option when aiming to capture organic or paid search. The downside, of course, is almost everyone is competing for the same traffic.

Also keep in mind Google’s algorithm, like featured snippets, aims to fulfill users’ needs directly on Google, so they don’t need to click any links. These features, and Google’s popularity, might make it hard for you to capture the website traffic you want.

2. Bing

top search engines: bing search page

Bing, Google’s biggest contender, rakes in 7% of U.S. searches desktop searches but only 1.5% of mobile searches. This engine also powers Yahoo, the U.S.’s third-biggest search engine.

Bing’s search pages look remarkably similar to Google’s, with the same categories and a similar white background, with blue links and green URLs.

However, Bing additionally offers “Rewards,” a program that gives you points when you search or shop on the engine. You can then redeem those points for gift cards, nonprofit donations, and more.

3. Yahoo!

Top search engines, Yahoo! Homepage.

Admittedly not the sleekest search engine interface, Yahoo! still manages to capture third place in our list, with just over 2% of the worldwide market share.

Yahoo! is powered by Bing, so search results are incredibly similar between the two search engines. However, it’s still an important search engine in its own right, with over 600 million total monthly users.

4. Yandex

top search engines: Yandex search home pageImage Source

Russian search engine Yandex has roughly 2% of the worldwide market share. However, it is the most widely used search engine in its home country, with Google holding the number two spot. If you do business globally and are looking to reach Russian customers, there are a few things to keep in mind.

For example, Yandex has many quality indicators or badges it can display alongside search results. One of the most prominent is the site quality index or SQI which indicates how useful your site is to users.

Yandex regions webmaster tools guideImage Source

Like Google, Yandex also takes into consideration whether or not a user’s query has local intent and will display regional-dependent results. To account for this, you’ll need to go into Yandex’s webmaster tools and set a site region.

5. DuckDuckGo

top search engines: DuckDuckGo home page

If you’re uneasy about targeted ads or don’t want your search data stored, you might want to try DuckDuckGo, which touts itself as “The search engine that doesn’t track you.”

DuckDuckGo doesn’t track, collect, or store any information, so you’re safe to search for shoes without feeling bombarded by subsequent Macy’s ads. It’s worth noting there are still ads on DuckDuckGo — just not personalized ones.

Additionally, DuckDuckGo has a clean interface and only one search page, making it easier to navigate than other search engines. With nearly 94 million daily direct searches as of 2022, it’s slowly gaining steam in the search market.

6. Baidu

top search engines: Baidu home pageImage Source

Baidu is China’s largest search engine, capturing over 40% of China’s search market. The search engine looks similar to Google (besides being in Mandarin), with a white background, blue links, and green URLs. Like Google, Baidu aims to incorporate more rich features in the SERPs.

If you have an interest in appealing to the Asian market, Baidu is a good option to consider.

However, the search engine censors certain images and blocks pro-democracy websites. If you’re comparing search results, you’ll find a more comprehensive results list on Google.

7. Ask.com

Top search engines, Ask.com homepage.

Ask.com, formerly known as Ask Jeeves, is a search engine designed to answer questions. According to Ask.com, its mission is to “enable curious people to find the information they need.”

The interface of Ask.com is similar to Yahoo’s interface. However, unlike Yahoo, which is powered by Bing, Ask.com is its own standalone search engine. Ask.com sees most of its traffic from users located in the United States (53% of its traffic, to be exact.)

8. Naver

Top search engines, Naver homepage.

Naver is South Korea’s second most popular search engine, claiming nearly 34% of the search engine market. Naver’s interface is entirely in Korean, and there is no English version of the website.

However, Naver is more than a simple search engine. Users of the website can access news content, search suggestions, and more.

Naver is a localized search engine, meaning it does not crawl and catalog the entire Internet. If you’re targeting the South Korean market with your content, make sure your SEO matches the criteria of South Korea’s second most popular search engine.

9. Ecosia

Top search engines, Ecosia homepage.

Ecosia is “the search engine that plants trees.” For every search a user makes with Ecosia (either the webpage or its free browser extension), Ecosia will plant trees in vulnerable areas with the profit the company makes from its searches. To date, Ecosia has funded 170 million trees.

Ecosia is growing in popularity, but it is especially popular in Germany where the company is based. Worldwide, Ecosia has gained 0.11% of the search engine market share. Like Yahoo!, Ecosia is powered by Bing.

10. AOL

Top search engines, AOL homepage.

AOL, formerly known as America Online, is both an online media company and a search engine. The interface of the website features a search bar and national news articles, along with local news and weather.

Most of AOL’s traffic is generated from the United States, 85.7% to be exact.

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